Preparation Time
55 minutes
Cooling Time
3 hours


3 eggs
150 g sugar
100 g butter, melted
200 g Italian type 00 organic flour
100 g potato flour
60 g bitter cacao powder
1 packet of baking powder for cakes
125 ml milk (room temperature)
30 g chocolate drops


Beat the eggs and sugar with an electric whisk or in a stand mixer until they are foamy and pale in colour.

While mixing, add melted butter, the organic flour, the potato flour, the cacao powder and yeast, all sieved and finally the milk. If the mixture appears too thick you can add a little more milk.

Mix until really smooth.

Put the cake mixture into a buttered and floured 24 cm bundt (ring) tin and scatter the chocolate drops.

Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 35 minutes, then check the cake is done inserting a toothpick that should come out clean and dry.

Take out the oven and leave to cool in the tin before turning it out.


Tender chocolate cake, rich with cocoa, and studded with tiny bits of chocolate. The perfect treat to go with a delicious cup of hot strong coffee. The Ciambella refers to the cake’s ring-like shape; a ciambella can refer to any ring-shaped confection, such as a doughnut or bagel.